Zoning & Land Use

Land use in Lillooet is regulated by the Zoning Bylaw or by a land use contract, as is the case in some properties on Panorama Terrace, Panorama Lane, Hillcrest Road, and Victoria Street.

When is Rezoning Required

If your planned development does not conform with the zoning of the property, you will require a rezoning. The rezoning process involves Council approval and includes a public hearing.

Rezoning Process

Rezonings typically take between 3 to 6 months to process, depending on complexity and completeness of applications.


  1. Research OCP and zoning regulations, contact Development Services, and potentially engage a designer.

  2. Complete Application Received

  3. Application reviewed by Development Services staff and internal referral process to allow other departments to review application.

  4. If revisions are required, you will be notified of the necessary changes.

  5. Planning staff present Report and Draft Bylaw to Council, requesting 1st and 2nd Reading.

  6. ​If the application receives 1st and 2nd reading, a Public Hearing is scheduled and advertised by District staff.

  7. You will need to erect a notification of development sign on the property.

  8. Public Hearing is held. Council can then give the rezoning 3rd Reading or defer to a future date.

  9. If 3rd Reading is received, and where applicable, the proposed rezoning is forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for review.

  10. Following approval, you must remove the signage from the property.

Note: Subdivision, Development Permit, or Development Variance Permit applications can be accepted concurrently with Rezoning applications.