Lillooet is open for business

Business Licensing

All businesses located in, or providing services within, District boundaries, including home-based businesses, require a Business Licence issued by the District. Business Licences are issued to applicants that are in compliance with District regulations and bylaws, which vary by the type of business being conducted.

Business Licence Application

Business licences are valid from January 1 to December 31 of the year in which they are purchased. Be aware that you may be required to obtain permits or licences from the Province (e.g., if you are opening a food service, you will be required to have a health permit and if you require a liquor licence you will need a permit from the Liquor Control Branch).

District of Lillooet Business Licence renewal invoices are mailed out in November each year. Payments are due by the following March 1, and may be paid using online banking services, by mail, or in person at Municipal Hall, PO Box 610, 615 Main Street, Lillooet, BC, V0K 1V0.

General Business Licence


A business licence is required to carry on any business within the municipality.

  • Business licences are valid from January 1—December 31 and need to be renewed annually. Businesses have until March 1 to renew a valid licence from the previous year. 

  • The business licence application fee is $35 and the annual licence fee for most businesses is $150. 

  • Business licences must be posted in a conspicuous place.

  • Business licences are not transferable to another owner or location.

  • If a business operates more than one store, branch, premises, unit or place of business, a separate licence  is needed for each place of business.

  • A Licence Inspector may enter at all reasonable times on any property to ascertain whether bylaw requirements are being met.

  • Businesses with unpaid fees, fines, or unsatisfied requirements of DoL bylaw or policy may be refused a licence or have their existing licence suspended or cancelled until payment is received.

  • Violations of the Business Licence Bylaw may incur penalties of at least $100 up to a max of $10,000.

  • Home businesses must provide the total area of the dwelling and percentage of area used for the home-based business. See section below for more info on Home-Based Businesses.

When to Notify the District

All businesses must notify the District of Lillooet of any:

  • Change of mailing address or business address

  • Change in ownership

  • Change in the activities or classification of the business

  • Change in the premises in which the business is being carried out

  • Change in business name

Businesses shall notify the District when a business licence is no longer required.

Inter-Community Business


Do you hold a Business Licence, but your business is mobile and you work in other parts of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District? Then you may qualify for an Inter-Community Business Licence.

Partnering communities may include:

  • City of Kamloops

  • Tk'émlúps te Secwépemc

  • City of Merritt

  • District of Logan Lake

  • Village of Chase

  • District of Clearwater

  • District of Lillooet

Other communities have expressed interest in joining the program and include:

  • Village of Ashcroft

  • Village of Cache Creek

  • Village of Clinton

  • Village of Lytton

For more information about the Business Licences and/or the Thompson-Nicola Inter-Community Business Licence program, please contact the District of Lillooet at 250-256-4289 or

Home-Based Business


A home business is a business clearly incidental to the use of the home as a dwelling unit and to the residential use of the lot.

  • Must have a valid and current municipal business licence

  • Must be no more than 40% of the gross floor area of the home or 100 square metres, whichever is less.

Type of Home-Based Businesses

  • Category 1 - a home business that requires outdoor storage of product or equipment such as, but not limited to, a trucking company, contractor services, resource extractions, and logging operations.

  • Category 2 - a home business that is contained entirely within the dwelling unit and accessory structures on site such as, but not limited to, art studios, home workshops, day care facilities, professional and personal services, and household equipment repairs.

Where are they permitted

  • Category 1 home businesses are allowed in rural residential (RR-1 and RR-2) and agricultural and natural resource (AGR) zones only.

  • Category 2 home businesses are allowed in R-q, R-2, RM, RR-1, RR-2, and AGR zones.

Contact the District of Lillooet or consult the current zoning map to find out what zone your property is in.

Zoning Regulations for Home-Based Businesses

  • Business must not create a nuisance or excessive traffic.

  • One non-illuminated sign is allowed (max 0.2 m2), with a sign permit, otherwise no external display or advertising.

  • Business must not discharge vapours, odours, heat, glare, electrical interference or radiation, ground vibration, or excessive noise across lot lines.

  • No off-site parking associated with the home business is permitted

  • Parking requirements as per sec. 46.1

  • Category 1 businesses must not store items (such as raw materials, timber, and waste) within 30 m of any lot line and storage areas must be screened from view from any road and adjacent lots.

Seasonal Artisan Vendor


Artisan seasonal vendors can apply for a business licence that allows them to set-up in Downton Park in the summer months and sell goods descibred in the Artisan Vendor Policy.

An Artisan Seasonal Vendor means a person(s) who offers for sale materials that are made from hand by local and regional artisans. Materials may include jewelry, handmade crafts, baked goods, paintings, or other artistic presentations as per the Artisan Vendor Policy. Presentation of materials for sale is limited to carts, tables and wagons. Operations are limited to Monday through Saturday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM from May 15 to September 15.