Photo credit: @kasselmancreative

Connect with the Lillooet HUB for information on programs, events, and workshops that are happening in the community.
The Lillooet Community Connect Innovation HUB is a collective-action enterprise created to share resources between organizations in Lillooet and work together to achieve local impact.
The physical location of the HUB at 633 Main Street is a safe place where all can feel included and empowered to participate in their community. At the HUB you can shop at the store, ask about or plan community events, sign up for workshops, talk to staff about current programs upstairs, find support for your projects and learn more about Lillooet and St’át’imc community initiatives and services.
The HUB retail store is the place to visit to support local artists, crafters, farmers, and food producers by purchasing Lillooet Grown & Lillooet Made items, while also catching up on workshops and events run by Lillooet People.