"Lillooet will provide public services that enhance our quality of life and address our community needs."
"Driven by community, inspired by nature and grounded in heritage, the District of Lillooet will be a vibrant, caring, resilient small town where people and place are respected. Building on its distinctive character, rich culture and rugged natural beauty this historic mountain community will pursue a future where equity, sustainability and community health are at the forefront of all our decisions."
Promote community engagement and participation
Strive for fairness and act responsibly
Be inclusive of neighbouring communities including residents of the St’át’imc Nation, SLRD and TNRD
Deliver financially sustainable services
Foster long-term wellbeing of the community
Be environmentally aware and proactive to limit impact on climate change
Support Development of Attainable Housing
Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure
Create a Vibrant Downtown
Continue Building Positive Relationships with St’át’imc Communities
Review Bylaws to Streamline Development
2025 - 2026 Municipal Objectives
Goal: Support
Vacant and Underutilized Property - Provide a detailed report to council on options for promoting, supporting, or facilitating development of housing on vacant and underutilized properties.
Doctors and healthcare providers - Strengthen local healthcare by attracting doctors and providers while actively advancing recruitment efforts to ensure hospital stability and prevent closures.
Goal: Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure
DCC Development Cost Charges - Investigate the opportunities for implementing DCC Development Cost Charges.
Source Water Development Phase II - Town Creek and the Infiltration Wells sources of water hydrogeological & environmental assessments with ongoing monitoring & funding investigation.
Review of Roadworks and Infrastructure - Provide a report to council every year that identifies the District's most strategic projects and priorities.
Shovel Ready Projects - Propose for council's consideration, the development of a small set of shovel-ready projects each year, including general infrastructure (e.g. roads), beautification, economic development, and recreation, to ensure the District is continually ready to apply for grant opportunities. (i.e.: Rec Centre, Old School House and property)
Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan - Develop a Parks, Rec & Culture Master Plan in 2025 that includes cost recovery and equipment reserve targets, and considers possible shared governance/funding models.
Goal: Create a Vibrant Downtown
Downtown Vitalization - Complete the Downtown vitalization plan, including work related to grant applications on Miyazaki House, Old School House and upgrades to all REC facilities.
Goal: Continue Building Positive Relationships with St’át’imc Communities
Development of MOU - Propose a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Cayoose Creek Band / Sekw’el’was for collaboration on economic development endeavours as well as continue to develop C2C relationships..
Emergency Support Services Agreement and Emergency Management MOU - Propose a Service Agreement between the District and Lillooet Tribal Council, individual bands, and/or SLRD that will benefit all communities in the immediate Lillooet area.
Water MTSA - Propose a Municipal Type Service Agreement between the District and Cayoose Creek Band / Sekw’el’was for provision of drinking water to CCIB/Sekw’el’was from the District's Water Treatment Plant.
Goal: Review Bylaws to Streamline Development
OCP update by 2025 - Complete the Official Community Plan (OCP) update by 2025 to align with provincial requirements and support the District’s long-term growth and development.
Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw - Complete the rewrite of the Zoning and Subdivision Bylaw, prioritizing pre-zoning for density in serviced areas.