
"Lillooet will provide public services that enhance our quality of life and address our community needs."


"Driven by community, inspired by nature and grounded in heritage, the District of Lillooet will be a vibrant, caring, resilient small town where people and place are respected. Building on its distinctive character, rich culture and rugged natural beauty this historic mountain community will pursue a future where equity, sustainability and community health are at the forefront of all our decisions."


  • Promote community engagement and participation

  • Strive for fairness and act responsibly

  • Be inclusive of neighbouring communities including residents of the St’át’imc Nation, SLRD and TNRD

  • Deliver financially sustainable services

  • Foster long-term wellbeing of the community

  • Be environmentally aware and proactive to limit impact on climate change


  • Support Development of Attainable Housing

  • Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure

  • Create a Vibrant Downtown

  • Continue Building Positive Relationships with St’át’imc Communities

  • Review Bylaws to Streamline Development

Goal: Support Development of Attainable Housing


Vacant and Underutilized Property - Provide a report to council on options for promoting, supporting, or facilitating development of housing on vacant and underutilized properties.

Goal: Invest in Sustainable Infrastructure


Asset Management Plan - Complete the Asset Management Plan & Long-Term Financial Modeling to Support Asset Management Decisions, and provide recommendations to council.

Airport Phase II - Upgrade the airport fuel dispensing and card lock billing system to increase revenues.

Source Water Development Phase II - Retain consultants to confirm the feasibility of Town Creek and the Infiltration Wells as reliable alternate sources of water and to provide more detailed costing, and submit a report to Council for consideration.

Review of Roadworks - Provide a report to council every year that identifies roads that are most in need of resurfacing.

Shovel Ready Projects - Propose for council's consideration, the development of a small set of shovel-ready projects each year, incl. general infrastructure (e.g. roads), beautification, economic development, and recreation, to ensure the District is continually ready to apply for grant opportunities.

Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility - On an annual basis, review and prioritize capital projects that enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility.

Asset Management Plan - Complete the "Implement Asset Management Practices + Measure and Report" project, and provide recommendations to council.

Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan - Issue an RFP in late 2023 and then develop a Parks, Rec & Culture Master Plan in 2024 that includes cost recovery and equipment reserve targets, and considers possible shared governance/funding models.

Goal: Create a Vibrant Downtown


Downton Park Revitalization - Complete the grant-funded upgrades of Downton park, including new public washroom, festoon lighting, water station, and flag pole.

Downtown Vitalization and Infrastructure Plan - Develop a Comprehensive Downtown Vitalization Plan, with community input, for a phased implementation of improvements that will enhance the appearance, pedestrian experience, accessibility, safety, and the social and economic vibrancy of the Downtown core.

Goal: Continue Building Positive Relationships with St’át’imc Communities


Economic Development MOU - Propose a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and Cayoose Creek Band / Sekw’el’was for collaboration on economic development endeavours.

Emergency Support Services Agreement - Propose a Service Agreement between the District and Lillooet Tribal Council, individual bands, and/or SLRD that will benefit all communities in the immediate Lillooet area.

Water MTSA - Propose a Municipal Type Service Agreement between the District and Cayoose Creek Band / Sekw’el’was for provision of drinking water to CCIB/Sekw’el’was from the District's Water Treatment Plant.

Emergency Management MOU - Propose a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and all Northern St’át’imc communities regarding collaboration, coordination and joint funding for Emergency Management Programs.

Goal: Review Bylaws to Streamline Development


Rural BC Building Code - Submit a resolution to the SIGLA Convention (April 25, 2023), for consideration at UBCM, proposing a "Rural BC Building Code" that is more appropriate for rural communities, rather than the current BC Building Code that does not differentiate between urban and rural communities.

Building & Development - Hold a staff-council workshop to explore concerns and opportunities to reduce barriers to development.

Zoning Bylaw - Prepare a permissive zoning bylaw that prioritized pre-zoning focused on maximum density in serviced areas to be ready for Public Consultation by Summer 2023.