Building Permits

Every owner shall obtain all required permits or approvals, pay all fees and provide all deposits prior to the commencement of work. Permit applications are to be submitted to the District of Lillooet's Building Department. General guidelines are available when you apply for a permit.

If you are planning to build or do renovations, please contact the Building Official to ask if a permit may be required. Requirements have changed over the past few years.

Building Permit Applications

  • At the current time, the District of Lillooet is working with a remote Interim Building Official. Building Permit applications are recommended to be submitted digitally for quicker service. Paper applications will still be accepted; however, processing times may be longer in these instances. Please be sure to consult the relevant District of Lillooet Bylaws or contact staff if you have questions.

  • A recent (last 30 days) copy of title is required for all building permit applications. The District can pull a copy of title for a $30 fee or you can request one from the Land Titles Office website which costs about $12.

Digital Applications

Digital Building Permit Applications can be submitted by email, or ZIP files sent by email to Links to a Google Drive are also accepted for larger files.

General Requirements

All Building Permit applications require the submission of:

  • Application form,

  • Agent authorization form,

  • Title search (last 30 days),

  • Payment of application fee, and

  • Drawings or scope of work.

Project Specific Requirements

Project specific requirements are listed within the District of Lillooet building permit applications and checklists. These can be found here.

Registered Professional Submission Requirements

If the project requires the services of a Registered Professional, digitally sealed drawings and Schedules are to meet the requirements set out by Engineers & Geoscientists BC (“EGBC”) and can be found here: EGBC-Authentication-of-Documents

Building Permit Issuance

Once the building permit application has been reviewed and is ready for issuance, the applicant will be sent a digital copy of the reviewed drawings. The applicant will then be required to have two (2) sets of these drawings printed (to scale) at their expense. One set of drawings must be returned to the District of Lillooet and one set must be included in the on-site permit package.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted. The current processing time to receive a building permit after a complete application is made is about 2-4 weeks.

Projects That Do Not Require a Building Permit

According to the District of Lillooet Building Permit Exemption Policy, as of March 8, 2023:

  • Re-covering existing roofs;

    • Providing that no structural changes are made;

  • Re-siding exterior walls;

    • E.g. stucco or siding, providing that no structural changes are made;

    • Note: The addition of outsulation under new siding will require a permit;

  • Replacing existing bathroom, kitchen, or laundry fixtures and fittings, in the same location.

  • Replacing windows and doors in existing openings;

    • Note: Change of opening size (bigger or smaller) will require a permit.

  • A retaining wall or structure less than 1.2 metres above grade and retaining less than 1.2 metres of material;

    • Note: Where a retaining wall will add a surcharge in excess of the level permitted in the BCBC or that would affect the surcharge on a building or foundation units, a permit will be required.

Builder Bulletins

Items Not Regulated by Building Code Not Requiring a Building Permit

  • Installing cupboards

  • Landscaping, subject to retaining wall requirements

  • Sidewalks/walkways within property lines

  • Fences

  • Residential buildings that do not contain an occupancy (e.g. a storage shed) less than 10 square metres in size, using exterior wall measurements. Note: While a permit is not required, the structure must still comply with zoning regulations with respect to setbacks and height.

  • Farm Buildings on land designated for agricultural use and with farm status under the Assessment Act. Note: Farm buildings must comply with the requirements of the National Farm Building Code and the applicable zoning regulations (setbacks, height etc.) for the property.

Examples of Projects That Require a Building Permit

  • Additions

  • Adding a suite

  • Finishing basements

  • New deck/porch/stairs or replacements

  • Any Solid-Fuel Burning Applicance (SFBA) including wood or pellet stoves, fireplaces, or furnaces.

  • Any new plumbing works

  • Demolition works

  • Change of use for commercial buildings

  • New structures (Residential accessory buildings less than 10m2 MAY not require a permit but are still required to follow applicable setbacks. Ask if a permit is required for any new shed, garage, carport, or workshop.)

  • Moving a mobile home to/from a property within the District

  • Excavation and fill works may require a permit

  • Structural building repairs

  • New siding where outsulation is being added

  • New windows where the size of the opening is larger or smaller than before

  • Fire suppression and alarm systems and alterations

  • Reroofing where structural changes are being made

This list is not exhaustive. If you are planning to build or do renovations, please contact the Building Official to ask if a permit may be required. Requirements have changed over the past few years.

Archaeological Sites: Protecting BC’s Heritage, Know Your Role

Archaeological sites are the physical remains of past human activity. There are over 50,000 known archaeological sites in British Columbia representing thousands of years of human history. The Heritage Conservation Act (“HCA”) recognizes the historical, cultural, scientific, spiritual, and educational value of archaeological sites to First Nations, local communities, and the public. Archaeological sites on both public and private land are protected under the HCA and must not be altered or damaged without a permit issued by the Province of British Columbia’s Archaeology Branch.

Any impact to an archaeology site requires a Site Alteration Permit (“SAP”) which authorizes specific impacts to archaeological sites under Section 12.4 of the HCA. Any land-altering developments located within an archaeological site must have a SAP before proceeding.

Contact the District of Lillooet to request an archaeology database search to find out if your property contains a known archaeoligcal site. 

Local Construction Information


Nuisance Bylaw

  • No construction noise after 10:00pm and no starting before 7:00 am except for Saturday night when noise is prohibited between 9pm – 9am.

  • No noise from a parked or stopped vehicle for longer than 15 minutes between 10pm and 9am.

Open Burning

Fire Prevention Bylaw

  • As per municipal bylaws, all persons must obtain a Burning Permit prior to igniting any fires and must strictly adhere to the regulations and requirements of the bylaw.

  • Open Burning is for the purpose of burning yard waste materials and natural vegetation from the property only. The burning of construction materials is prohibited.

  • The season for open burning generally runs from Oct. 15 to May 15. Please consult the local fire hazard and the provincial website for current fire bans.


  • Wildfire is a risk that homeowners need to be prepared for. Check out for info on protecting your property from wildfire.

Construction Site Refuse Disposal

Garbage Collection and Regulation Bylaw

  • Property owners or occupiers must make arrangements to legally dispose of waste including:

    • demolition or construction materials

    • ashes, trade waste, wood, or sawdust waste

    • hazardous or dangerous goods

    • appliances, furniture, electronics, mechanical parts, metal, tires, or batteries

    • items that exceed the size or weight allowed for a Garbage Receptacle

  • All construction sites must have a designated container that receives refuse. The container must:

    •  be emptied at the end of each day and stored in a building or trailer; or

    • be stored in a wildlife resistant enclosure; or

    • be a wildlife resistant container.

Commercial Trailer Parking Regulations

Traffic and Parking Regulation Bylaw

  • No person shall park a commercial trailer when it is attached to a vehicle on any street for more than two consecutive hours, except when the vehicle is delivering or picking up items.

  • No person shall park a commercial trailer on any street if the trailer is not attached to a vehicle and capable of being pushed or drawn at all times, without first obtaining a written permit from a Bylaw Enforcement Officer.

  • A commercial trailer does not include a recreational trailer or a trailer less than 700 kg.


Earthworks Control Bylaw

  • If soils are to be removed from or brought to a site for any purpose where the total volume is greater than 50 m3 and/or the excavation or fill is greater than 1 m depth, an earthworks permit is required. Please contact the Building Official for more information.

Water Connections

  • No person shall turn water on, either by pipe or fire hydrant, connecting to the municipal water system at a site without making an application to the District and paying the required fee.

  • Backflow prevention is required in all buildings as per section 2.6.2 of the BC Plumbing Code.

Permit Information

Building Bylaw

  • Building/plumbing permits are required for any and all works and “applies to the design, construction or occupancy of new buildings or structures, and the alteration, reconstruction, demolition, removal, relocation, or occupancy or change of use or occupancy of existing buildings or structures.” This includes, but is not limited to, the installation and repair of plumbing works, demolition works, all solid fuel burning appliances, excavation and fill works, finishing basements, siding, window replacement, structural repairs, fire suppression and alarm systems and alterations. Please contact the Building Official for clarification if required.

  • Should work commence prior to issuance of a permit, or a Stop Work or Do Not Occupy notice is posted, the permit fee will be doubled to a maximum $10,000 extra fee (minimum $500).