Interior Health Assigned a Failing Grade in Lillooet

We, the representatives of the northern St'át'imc communities, the Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, and the District of Lillooet, stand unified in our deep concern over the repeated closures of the Lillooet Hospital emergency department. Interior Health has been assigned a failing grade, reflecting the ongoing collapse of our emergency department.

We are united in our demand for immediate action to restore reliable emergency healthcare services and ensure that our region is not left vulnerable in times of crisis. The absence of timely medical care when the emergency department is closed is unacceptable and disproportionately affects our most vulnerable populations, including elders, families, and working residents who rely on local healthcare.

These closures underscore the need for a roundtable with Interior Health that includes our leadership, healthcare providers, and decision-makers. We insist on a seat at the table to be directly involved in recruitment efforts and the development of other solutions to ensure that emergency services that meet the needs of our communities are available. It is essential that our voices be heard, and our concerns addressed in any discussions about the future of emergency health services in Lillooet.


Unified Support Letter Regarding Ongoing Lillooet Hospital Closures


Temporary service interruption at Lillooet Hospital emergency department