Chilcotin River landslide

Please bookmark this page for the most up-to-date information available. Information will also be posted to our Facebook page as it becomes available.

August 5, 2024 - 12:10PM

The water began overtopping the Chilcotin River landslide at approximately 9AM this morning.  The latest modelling from the Province estimates 15-18 hours from the breach for the water flows and debris to reach Lillooet.  It is predicted that, at that time, water levels will rise by approximately 4 metres, or about 13 feet.  The public is reminded to STAY AWAY FROM THE FRASER RIVER and to rely on reputable sources of information for updates.  These include the District of Lillooet’s website and Facebook page as well as Emergency Info BC and the Province’s Landslide Portal, all of which will be updated as information comes available.  There are currently no evacuation alerts or orders that have been issued by the District of Lillooet; however, we will continue to monitor the situation and update our community as soon as new information comes available.

August 5, 2024 - 11:05AM

Water has begun overflowing the landslide blocking the Chilcotin River. The Emergency Operations Centre for the Cariboo Regional District said that water began overflowing at approximately 9AM this morning. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as they become available.

August 5, 2024 - 8:50AM

The Government of British Columbia has created an online portal to share imagery, videos and information about the Chilcotin River Landslide.

According to the Province, the water is expected to overtop the landslide this morning. You can read their news release from last night here.

August 4, 2024 - 2:55PM

Latest modeling from Emergency Management BC (EMBC) indicates that if there were an immediate and complete breach of the Chilcotin River landslide, the flows would take about 12.5 hours to reach Lillooet, causing the river level to rise approximately 4-6 metres.

This situation is dynamic, and information changes daily. Currently, there are no evacuation alerts in place by the District of Lillooet. However, if emergency officials advise otherwise, evacuation alerts may be issued.

Please stay informed and follow any directions from local authorities. For updates, visit our website and follow our social media channels.

August 3, 2024 - 3:25PM

We continue to monitor the situation; however, there is very little new information to provide. The latest update from Emergency Management BC is that their modelling suggests that when the landslide breaches, it will take approximately 15 hours to reach Lillooet. They anticipate that we would see a rise of 1.8 metres (just under 6') in the river level. You can see the latest update from the BC River Forecast Centre here.

August 2, 2024 - 2:30PM

The District of Lillooet is closely monitoring the situation following the Chilcotin River landslide. We are receiving updates from Emergency Management BC and staying in contact with other emergency officials. Currently, there is no new information. Please check our Facebook page and website for updates as they become available. District staff are on call throughout the weekend. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Joe McCulloch at

August 2, 2024 - 11:15AM

July 31, 2024 - 8:30AM